Answer: You should contact a San Jose Criminal Defense Lawyer as soon as you are arrested or the police contact you to ask you “a few questions”. Many people make the mistake of thinking that telling the police you want to talk to a criminal defense attorney first will make them “look guilty”. Others think “I can handle this myself.” If you are being investigated for a crime, you need to talk to an experienced criminal defense attorney before you agree to go to the police station to answer a few questions.

Police detectives have years of experience in exactly how to conduct an interview with a criminal suspect. You are at the disadvantage of having either NO information about the subject of the interview or sometimes even having the WRONG information. Police are allowed to lie to you in an investigation. Police do not have to inform you if they are recording an interview with a criminal suspect, or even a telephone conversation. You cannot take back what you have already said to police later! The U.S. Supreme Court realized that the average suspect did not understand all of his/her constitutional rights when they decided the Miranda vs. Arizona case. You need to contact a criminal defense attorney before you get into a problem.

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